The Surtierra Touring Project will work with five community choirs to tour performances of the Misa de los Mineros in Hampshire, West Sussex, Dorset and culminate with two large-scale performances in London as part of Refugee Week in June 2025 in which all singers/ choirs that have been involved in the project will be invited to perform together.
In 2021 Quimantu collaborated with the community choir Andover Museum Loft Singers (AMLS) to rehearse and stage performances of the new choral/ symphonic arrangement of the Misa de los Mineros. Together we presented two very successful performances in London and Hampshire followed by a recording of the work, released 15/9/23 and available on all major platforms.
Find out more about the Misa de los Mineros here
Tour concert dates
December 2024, March and May 2025
Confirmed dates
Friday 20th June 2025 – St Paul’s Church, Covent Garden, London
Saturday 21st June 2025 – St Paul’s Church, Covent Garden, London
Get involved
Community choirs will be participating Hampshire, West Sussex, Dorset. If you live in one of these areas and are interested in being involved please get in touch:
SWVG project workshops
The SWVG Surtierra Choir is open to anyone connected with SWVG, and sessions are free. We invite you to sing together and perform with our group Quimantu, learn to sing the Misa de los Mineros by Chilean composer Mauricio Venegas-Astorga and share songs with the community.
Workshops and rehearsals will be on Fridays at Avenue St Andrews SO17 1XQ
First session on Friday 13th September at 11.45am
Our project partners and funders
The Surtierra Touring Project is produced by Musiko Musika and Quimantu and is a collaboration with our partners: SWVG refugee support group in Southampton, Andover Museum Loft Singers, WemsFest (West Sussex) and Arts Reach (Dorset).
We are very grateful for the funding support of Arts Council England and the Foyle Foundation.
Consultancy by Sasolo Arts